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There must be some truth to the old adage "The grass is
always greener on the other side of the fence". This cow seems
to think so anyway! Cheria, my mom and I were driving down a narrow
country road near Meadowview, Virginia a few days ago when we saw a
big, black head poking through a barbed wire fence just eating
away at the freshly mown grass on the other side.
I don't know whether the grass on one side of a fence is really any
better than that on the other - it all looks pretty much the same to
me - but apparently animals that dine on it seem to think so. And this
intriguing behavior isn't limited to bovines because I have also
seen sheep and goats do the very same thing!
Our pastor - who also happens to be a goat farmer - told us one Sunday about
his need to follow the fence rows every
day to remove any goat heads that happened to get "stuck" in the
fence because their horns wouldn't let them pull their heads back out
of the holes in the fences. One goat in particular was a problem
child - it kept getting stuck over and over again. But Gary finally
figured out a way to prevent the poor goat from getting stuck again
by taping a drum stick across the animal's horns!
I guess the desire to taste the grass on the other side also
afflicts us humans. Ever since we first sampled that "forbidden
fruit" in the Garden of Eden, we have always had a propensity to
want what we couldn't have...resulting in countless wars and untold
suffering by all mankind - even for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the only
perfect person to ever walk upon the face of the earth.
In the grand scheme of things, it's probably ok for our animal
friends to stick their heads through the fence in order to sample a
bit of grass that may appear to be just a little greener, but when
we humans do it we almost always end up regretting it. Such is life
on planet earth.
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