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 Picture of the day - July 16, 2006

Creeper Trail Bikers

Bicyclists crossing a bridge on the Virginia Creeper Trail.

If you have ever visited the beautiful town of Damascus, Virginia, you most likely saw a few bicycles...or a lot of them if you were anywhere near the Virginia Creeper Trail. In recent years, Damascus has become a favorite destination for hikers, bikers and outdoor enthusiasts of all types.

Damascus used to be just another small town, much like thousands of other small towns that are scattered across our great country. But then someone must have realized that Damascus' serendipitous strategic location on the Appalachian Trail and the newly created Virginia Creeper Trail, the town had the potential to become a Mecca for tourists. And as it turns out they were exactly right.

Today, thousands of people visit the Damascus area each and every year to hike and bike the many miles of trails that pass through some of the world's most magnificent scenery. Of course the friendliness of the locals and the world-class trout fishing in Laurel Creek are major draws as well, but the primary reason for Damascus' rebirth as a tourist town is its excellent location along the now world-famous trails.

If you enjoy the outdoors, Damascus offers much to see and do. Come on over and meet the nice people who live in the "Friendliest Town On The Appalachian Trail". You'll find yourself enjoying plenty of refreshing mountain air as you walk or bike through some of God's most amazing scenery.

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