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"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,
and to the
Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God,
indivisible, With Liberty
and Justice for all."
Today is Flag Day in the United States, the annual celebration of the
Stars and Stripes - our national flag. Unlike July 4th which celebrates our
nation's birth and independence, Flag Day is for honoring the flag itself.
The American Flag flies over all of our government buildings as well as many
businesses and private homes. Its presence sends a message to everyone, here
and abroad, that we Americans are proud of our country and our heritage - and we
are protective of our
liberties. All true Americans love our flag and we don't like it one bit when
she is disrespected.
Old Glory has led our troops into battle and draped the coffins of the ones
who fell. She is the preeminent symbol of our democracy and the unmatched
freedom we all enjoy, and she serves as a timeless memorial to all the brave
young men and women who gave their lives defending all that we Americans hold
Unfortunately, there are many people in the world who hold little regard for the
United States Flag. These misguided individuals hate America and all that she
stands for, and they can often be seen on the evening news setting her on fire.
But what hurts the most is seeing an American citizen doing the burning. I
simply cannot understand why anyone who was blessed by God with American
citizenship - a status that countless immigrants have sought after for hundreds
of years - would willingly dishonor our beautiful flag. Shame on them, and shame
on those who support them.
For those of us who do love our country and our flag, this is a very special
day. When you see the Stars and Stripes flying somewhere today, I hope you'll
pause for a minute and reflect on what that magnificent piece of cloth means to
you and me. And please remember those who have served and continue to serve our
great nation in uniform. It's because of their hard work and sacrifices that we
are able to enjoy living in a free America - the greatest country on earth.
About the picture: American astronaut John Young salutes the flag as it stands
proudly on the lunar surface during the Apollo 16 Lunar Mission in April 1972.
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