Picture of the day -
August 19, 2006
"Little Glen" Riding His New Go-Kart

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My great-nephew Glen has been asking his mom and dad for a
go-kart for quite some time. Every time their family visited the
local Wal-Mart, Glen would admire the shiny go-karts that were
conveniently lined up along the sidewalk where every parent entering
the store had no choice but to walk past them with their kids
begging for one with every step!
Glen would tell his mom and dad that if price was a concern, while
he would like to have one of the more expensive go-karts in the
Wal-Mart lineup he could "make do" with one of the lower-priced
models. He wasn't picky, he just wanted a go-kart!
Well, Glen's dad is a career navy man and the family had been living
in Washington State for several years, but he recently accepted a
new job that would allow them to move back to the east coast. When
they found out about the impending move, my brother Glen - Little
Glen's grandpa - and his wife Tonnie decided to have a
brand-spanking new go-kart waiting for him when he got to their
house. So they went out into the land, searching far and wide for
the perfect go-kart for a bright and energetic 9 year old boy...and
they found the "Grape Escape" in all it's purple glory!
Now Grandpa Glen and Grandma Tonnie's back yard is a miniature
go-kart track, the poor grass brittle and brown due to hundreds of
laps around the swing set. Little Glen finally has his go-kart, and
grandpa and grandma finally have him and his little brother
Jason living within
driving distance. Some wishes do indeed come true.
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