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Picture of the day - January 25, 2006

La Parguera, Puerto Rico

La Parguera, Puerto Rico

The beautiful Caribbean island of Puerto Rico has many stunning vistas, many of them along the coast. Today's picture features a relaxing view of Bahía Fosforescente (phosphorescent bay) from La Parguera, Puerto Rico.

La Parguera is actually part of the town of Lajas which is located on Puerto Rico's southwestern coast. For centuries, La Parguera was a quiet fishing village, but the growing popularity of Bahía Fosforescente has made the village a very popular Puerto Rico vacation getaway.

As its name implies, what makes Bahía Fosforescente so interesting is the fact that it actually glows in the dark. The source of this glow is a bioluminiscence phenomenon caused by high concentrations of tiny phosphorescent bacteria that scientists refer to as dinoflagellates. Although the brightness of Bahía Fosforescente's glow has diminished greatly over the years, it can still easily be seen on calm, windless nights.

If you're planning a Puerto Rico vacation, we recommend that you set aside some time to visit scenic La Parguera and Bahía Fosforescente. And don't forget about the spectacular Caribbean sunsets that await you in America's very own tropical paradise of Puerto Rico!

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