Picture of the day - July 2, 2005
Patriotic VW Bug
![Patriotic Volkswagen Bug](pic-of-the-day/patriotic-vw.jpg)
The 4th of July is coming up in a couple of days, and patriots all across our
great nation are getting ready to celebrate the freedom we enjoy and honor those
who have fallen in order to protect it. My brother Glen and his wife Tonnie,
both veterans, are
true patriots to the core, always eager to display our beautiful flag.
Today's picture is a very special one because it features Glen and Tonnie's
restored 1971 Volkswagen Bug with two high flying American Flags attached to the
rear bumper. It's quite an event when they mount the flags and drive the bug
down the road with dual Stars and Stripes fluttering in the wind!
America's Independence Day should be a day of great celebration, not only for us
Americans, but also for freedom-loving people all around the world. The U.S. and
our brave men and women in uniform have been both the securers and the
protectors of liberty for millions of people around the globe ever since
that first 4th of July in 1776.
Although our efforts haven't always been appreciated by those who benefited from
them, they have always been
given willingly and with the best of intentions, and they always will be. In a very real way,
the freedom of the world depends squarely on the continued freedom of the
American people.
As Americans celebrate the 4th of July on Monday, our true friends around the
globe will celebrate with us because they know that their own freedom is due in
large part to our willingness to serve alongside them and help protect it when the need arises. We always have and we always will.
That's the American way and that's what our beautiful flag stands for.
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