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Picture of the day - March 27, 2006

Snow On The Daffodils

Snow on the daffodils in our garden.

Spring is officially here according to the calendar, but we woke up this morning to find a thin layer of snow covering our daffodils. As you might recall from a previous Picture Of The Day, these optimistic flowers came up way back in February - over a month before winter was officially over! They made it through several snowfalls and quite a few nights of sub-freezing temperatures, so I'm sure a little dusting of snow won't affect them in the least.

Like crocuses, daffodils always begin coming up when the winter weather starts showing signs of transitioning into spring, even if the official beginning of the spring season is still several weeks away. These hardy plants are no stranger to cold snaps so they can usually survive several bouts of cold, frost and snow with no ill effects. They know that while trouble may appear in the short run, better times are truly on their way...

Which reminds me a lot of how it is for us humans to live a Christian life. God never promised us an easy life that is free of troubles and heartache. Adam and Eve were enjoying just that in the Garden of Eden, but they forfeited it when they failed to follow God's explicit instructions not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis - Chapter 3).

Yes, Adam and Eve willingly forfeited a life untouched by hunger, disease, heartache, and even the need to work for a living - both for themselves and for everyone else who came after them. In a nutshell, they sinned, and human beings have suffered and been forced to work to survive and endure one hardship after another ever since.

But the good news is that our troubled life on earth is just a temporary one - a transitional one, and for those who know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour there are definitively better days to look forward to.

Like the daffodils which occasionally get covered with snow, we will eventually make it through our troubles and trials unscathed. When our earthly lives are over, we'll once again be able to enjoy the easy, trouble-free lives that we forfeited so long ago and we'll live for a literal eternity in a magnificent land which will never be touched by the chill of winter.

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