The Spanish Alphabet

Beginning Spanish: A basic course in the Spanish language

The alphabet of the Spanish language has 30 letters (the 26 that are in English and 4 additional (*). Even though these additional letters appear to be simply a combination of two letters, they are actually treated as a single letter in Spanish.

Here is a list of the Spanish language letters and their names:

a  (a) j  (jota) r  (erre)
b  (be) k  (ka) rr  (erre) *
c  (ce) l  (ele) s  (ese)
ch  (che) * ll  (elle) * t  (te)
d  (de) m  (eme) u  (u)
e  (e) n  (ene) v  (ve) (uve)
f  (efe) ņ  (eņe) * w  (ve doble)
g  (ge) o  (o) x  (equis)
h  (hache) p  (pe) y  (i griega)
i  (i) q  (cu) z  (zeta)

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