Spanish Grammar - Prepositions

Beginning Spanish: A basic course in the Spanish language

This page lists the most often used Spanish language prepositions. The table below gives the Spanish preposition and its English counterpart.

Spanish Prepositions

a   to, at

en   in at

al   upon

de   from, of, about

con   with

sin   without

entre   between, among

como   like

antes de   before

después de   after

detrás de   behind
delante de   in front of

enfrente de   in front of

al lado de   beside

en vez de   instead of

debajo de  under, beneath

encima de  above, on top

cerca de   near

lejos de   far from

dentro de   inside

fuera de   outside

Se viene con nosotros.
She's coming with us.

Esta en casa.
He is at home.

Voy a México.
I'm going to Mexico.

Se rieron mucho al oír eso.
They laughed a lot when they heard that.

Soy de España.
I'm from Spain.

No puedo leer sin mis anteojos.
I can't read without my glasses.

Lo hicieron entre los dos.
They did it between the two of them.

Vive cerca de la oficina.
He lives near the office.

El buzón es fuera de la casa.
The mailbox is outside the house.

El refrigerador es al lado de la mesa.
The refrigerator is beside the table.

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