Spanish Vocabulary - Commands

Beginning Spanish: A basic course in the Spanish language

This page lists some common Spanish language commands. Most commands in Spanish are short and concise, usually just two or three words.

You can form virtually any command in Spanish by simply substituting the appropriate Spanish verb (correctly conjugated of course) for the ones in these examples.

Common Spanish commands

¡Hable usted!
Speak!   (formal)

¡Hablen ustedes!
Speak   (formal, to more than one person)

¡No hable usted!
Don't speak!   (formal)

¡No hablen ustedes!
Don't speak!   (formal, to more than one person)

¡No hables!
Do not speak!  (familiar)

¡No comas!
Do not eat!  (familiar)

Speak!  (familiar)

Eat!  (familiar)

Repeat it!  (familiar)

¡No lo repitas!
Do not repeat it!


¡No fumes!
Do not smoke!

Let's go!

Let's go!

¡No vayamos!
Let's not go!

¡No nos vayamos!
Let's not go!

¡Hágalo usted!
Do it!

¡No lo haga usted!
Don't do it!

¡Levántense ustedes!
Get up!   (to more than one person)

¡No se levanten ustedes!
Do not get up!  (to more than one person).

Let's eat!

¡No comamos!
Let's not eat!

¡Vamos a nadar!
Let's swim!

¡No nademos!
Let's not swim!

Let's pay it!

¡No lo paguemos!
Let's not pay it!

¡Vamos a dormir!
Let's go to sleep!

Go to bed!

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