Picture of the day - June 9, 2005

A Squirrel Enjoying A Snack

Photo courtesy of Martin Henson. 

Squirrels are among the planet's most beloved wild creatures, and some people can spend hours just sitting on a park bench tossing nuts to the bushy-tailed rodents. Having lost much of their innate fear of humans, urban squirrels will come very close to you if you offer them something tempting to eat.

Virtually every city and town in America has lots of squirrels scampering around wherever a few trees can be found, especially in parks. Like their human counterparts, they have adapted to city life and learned how to thrive in a very unnatural environment. Perhaps that common bond is what attracts us to squirrels...or maybe it's just that they're so darn cute!

Quite often I'll be sitting at a traffic light and see a squirrel walk across a wire spanning the street. Most squirrels are smart enough to know that crossing a wire is a lot less dangerous than crossing the street. Scenes like that have lifted my day many a time - there's something about seeing a scampering squirrel that just makes me feel better.

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