Picture of the day -
April 22, 2006
A Close-Up Image Of The Sun

Photo courtesy of
The sun is
the largest and brightest object in our
solar system,
and if we were to attempt to zoom in on it with a pair of binoculars or a
the result would be rather unpleasant. But we don't have to try to get a
close-up view of the sun on our own - the space-based SOHO Observatory
has done it for us!
It boggles the mind to ponder the amount of energy that has been produced by the
sun since its formation. For that matter, the human mind simply cannot
comprehend the amount of energy produced by the sun in just one second! Our
human existence on earth has created no appropriate frame of reference with
which to compare it. Even the most powerful nuclear bomb on the planet can't
produce an amount of energy even remotely close to that produced by the sun!
Now consider these facts: Our sun is just an average sized star in a single
galaxy, and the universe contains billions of galaxies, each containing
of stars! The massive amount of energy produced by all the stars in the universe
in just one second is millions of times greater than the amount of energy ever
produced on earth in the past plus all the energy that will ever be produced on
earth in the future.
But there is something that is infinitely more powerful than all of the stars in
the universe combined: the all-powerful God who spoke them into existence. And
just as the amazing technology of the Soho Observatory has made it possible for
us to see a close-up image of the sun without going blind, the boundless love
and sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has made it possible for us
to some day look upon the very face of God as we bask in His presence.
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