Picture of the day -
November 24, 2005
The Tradition Of Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving holiday is a very special one here in the United States
- a unique and time-honored tradition of pausing to give thanks for everything that God
has given us. Food, shelter, love and life along with the opportunity to live in
the United States of America.
Unlike Christmas, Easter and most other Christian holy days, Thanksgiving isn't
a celebration of a specific event depicted in the Bible. Instead, it is
a traditional holiday that was first celebrated by the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock
in 1621. The winter of 1620, their first in the new world was a very harsh one,
and almost half of them had perished by the time the next fall rolled around.
But the 1621 growing season was a good one and they were fortunate enough to
harvest a bumper crop. The 56 remaining Pilgrims decided to set aside an entire
day to thank the Lord for their bountiful harvest, and they invited 91 Indians
who had helped them survive the winter to join them. They did, making that very first
Thanksgiving a multi-cultural one.
We still celebrate Thanksgiving today, but for many this special holiday is
nothing more than an excuse to skip work or school for a day or two. But we
Americans still have much to be thankful for...and #1 on the list is the grace
of a loving God who has blessed us with the opportunity to live in the greatest
country the world has ever known.
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