Picture of the day -
July 30, 2006
Topping Our Beautiful Maple Trees

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Gregor's Tree Service showed up bright and early this morning to
butcher the beautiful Maple trees that stand in our front yard, and
butcher them they did! It was at our request however...
When Cheria and I moved into our new home last October, we knew the
huge maple trees would provide plenty of beauty and shade for our
front yard this summer. But what we didn't know was just how
dangerous the largest maple was. As it turns out, there was a very
large limb - an extra trunk really - extending from the main trunk
high up into the sky on an angle...an angle that had thousands of
pounds of wood hanging precariously over one side of the house. It was very
easy to see how a brisk wind or heavy snowfall could (and probably
would) cause that gigantic limb to break right off and come crashing
through our roof.
Unfortunately, there was only one palatable solution to the problem:
whack that extra tree trunk off at a point where the remainder
couldn't damage the house if it fell. The problem was that if
Gregor's cut back just that one limb the rest of the tree would look
terrible...so they had to cut back the entire tree to that same
height. But now there was another problem: the other trees wouldn't
look right if there was one short one in the middle of the group.
This meant that the other maples would have to be cut back as
well...and that's exactly what they did!
Jimmy jumped up into his "bucket",
humongous Stihl chainsaw in hand, and went right to work cutting off and
pruning back branches and limbs virtually everywhere he could reach.
And it was fascinating watching him work, too. He used his mighty Stihl to do major surgery on those beautiful old maples while his
crew fed the branches into the mulch making machine.
The well-oiled
machine that is Gregor's Tree Service had three rather large trees
topped, two more cut down completely, and all of the debris cleaned
up by around lunch time! They did a great job butchering our
beautiful Maple trees, probably saving us from having to call in a
roofer after the next big storm hits! But man, I'm sure gonna miss
those trees until they grow back out.
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