Picture of the day - June 29, 2005
An Abingdon, Virginia Farm

Sometimes we stumble across something where we just wouldn't expect to find it.
An excellent example is the subject of today's picture: a farm that is located
right in the town of Abingdon,
While scenes like this are usually found out in the country, this one is
actually in town. The field and barn are more or less surrounded by houses and
subdivisions, and Abingdon's Main Street that is lined with fast food restaurants and
businesses is just across the hill to the right.
The round objects lying around the barn are rolls of recently cut hay. The
plants in the foreground are a newly planted field of the region's primary cash
crop: burley tobacco.
I took this photo last evening just as the sun was beginning to sink below the
horizon, hence the shadows. This is yet another of the many beautiful scenes
you'll find when you visit historic Abingdon, Virginia!
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