Can you guess the most inexpensive way to make a sale
from your web site? Sell to the customer that just bought
something from you!
All successful salespeople have at least one thing in
common: They all know how to make a sale "after the
sale". There are several costs associated with finding
buying customers. Selling on the web is not a cheap
endeavor. This is why it makes sense to really make
add-on sales a priority.
For example, when you purchased your last computer,
you likely noticed how before you left the store the salesperson had
"reminded" you to purchase a surge
protector and extra ink for your new printer. Maybe
even an expensive extended warranty for your new PC.
These add-ons may have doubled the store's profits
(not to mention the salesperson's commission) from the
original purchase amount. Without paying a dime for extra
advertising or promotion, that $1000 sale probably turned
into $1300-$1400, with most of the difference being profit!
You may now be asking "Can I do this with my web site?".
The answer is yes, of course you can. In fact, making
add-on sales from a web site is a lot easier than it is in
a brick and mortar store.
There are two very effective methods of making add-on
sales from a web site:
- Suggest available options and accessories right on
the order confirmation page. Remember the printer and
ink example above? If your customer is ready to pay for
a new printer, show a "suggestion box" on one side of
the page reminding him to place an extra ink cartridge
in the shopping cart. And of course don't forget about
the cable!
- You can also easily make an add-on sale AFTER the
purchase has been paid for! After the payment is completed
and processed, the customer should be taken directly to a
"thank you" page. This is the page where you'll thank the
customer for giving you his business.
This is a great time to ask him if he forgot anything and
give him the easy option of returning to your products
page. Or simply advertise a completely different but related
product. After all, he is already motivated to buy (because
he just did) and he probably still has his credit card in his
Always be sure to remind the customer that he will save
money by taking advantage of multiple item discounts and
combined shipping charges. Never fail to ask for add-on
sales and you'll boost your bottom-line!
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