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Picture of the day - May 25, 2005

The American Flag


The American Flag
Old Glory...The Stars & Stripes...The American Flag. Standing tall and proud in virtually every city and town in America, flying in the breeze, reminding all who witness its beauty that we are truly blessed to live in the most wonderful nation on earth, The United States Of America.

Our beloved American Flag is so much more than just a pretty piece of cloth. What it represents is truly unique in the history of the world: a sovereign nation that was built and to this day is defended by the blood, sweat and tears of countless heroes of both genders and all races - Americans.

The founding fathers envisioned an America where all men and women are truly created equal. An America where we are free to worship our God as we see fit. An America where our possibilities are limited only by our own abilities and initiative. They even envisioned an America where we are free to openly criticize those who govern us and even change those who govern us by simply casting a ballot. And for the most part their visions have become reality.

The American Flag represents all that is good about our country and our people. Like the ideals it represents, the Flag deserves to be treated with respect and defended. In a very real way, those who choose to dishonor the American Flag owe the most to it - only a nation as strong and as grounded in truth & history as the United States Of America can afford to give the disenchanted the right to openly dissent against the government without fear of retribution.

Yes, our American Flag certainly is a beautiful piece of cloth. It's also one of the world's most powerful symbols - a symbol of a freedom that people in many other countries are willing to risk their lives to obtain... a symbol of a freedom that our men and women in uniform are willing to risk their lives to protect and preserve, even for those who don't appreciate it.

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