Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Because of its close proximity to the sun, it is very difficult to study Mercury from Earth.
Interesting facts about the planet Mercury:
- Average distance from
the sun: 35,991,000 miles
- Average distance from Earth: 57,000,000 miles
- Rank in size among the planets: 8th
- Diameter at the equator: 3,031 miles
- Planet type: Solid, rocky surface
- Mass: .0558 times the earth's mass
- Gravity: .38 times the earth's gravity
- Surface temperature: approximately -300°F to 800°F
- Orbital velocity: 29.8 miles/sec
- Earth days required to orbit the sun: 87.969
- Tilt of axis: 0°
- Earth days required to rotate on its axis: 58.646
- Escape velocity: 2.67 miles/sec
- Number of moons: 0
- Does it have and atmosphere? yes
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