Picture of the day - May 20, 2005
Mom's Bird Nest - Before & After

And after...

Springtime in the Appalachians is a time of renewal, a time when the mountains
and valleys spring to life after a long winter, and watching a bird build a nest
in which to raise a family is one of the true joys of the season.
My mom had the opportunity to witness a nest-building up close this year when a
pair of Phoebes decided to build their nest on top of the light fixture on
her back deck.
Today's "Picture Of The Day" is actually a pair of pictures -
"before" and "after" shots of that bird nest. The
"before" picture shows a set of four bird eggs dutifully attended by
the momma Phoebe. The "after" photo shows the result of God's
handiwork after he had once again created new life on our planet.
Mom and dad have always enjoyed watching birds play, work, and live in and
around their yard. In the last few years before dad passed away, he would sit in
the living room for hours peering through the sliding glass door as the birds
enjoyed a meal from one of several bird feeders. When the weather cooperated, he
would sit on the porch and watch them up close, never getting tired of the avian
Today, mom carries on the tradition by feeding the birds in the wintertime and
providing birdhouses for them to make into a home of their own. Little did she
know that this spring would bring the special treat of the Phoebe's nest being
built right on her porch!
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