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The Ball Sisters

Sweet family harmony in Bluegrass and Gospel music!

The Ball Sisters Band performs a style of traditional Bluegrass that is all their own, heavily influenced by other varieties of music.

The group includes Jessica Ball playing fiddle, sister Cris on guitar and mandolin, their father Randy on guitar, and John Skelton on bass.
The Ball Sisters Bluegrass Band The Ball Sisters Bluegrass Band
(L-R)   John Skelton - Jessica Ball - Randy Ball - Cris Ball

Jessica and Cris each became recognized as accomplished, award winning Bluegrass musicians at an early age after winning several competitions.

Jessica began teaching fiddle at the tender age of 16, and she is currently studying in the renowned East Tennessee State University Bluegrass Program.

Cris won the prestigious National Beginner's Flat Top Guitar Championship at Smithville, TN in both 1997 and 1998, as well as numerous other guitar and mandolin contests.

Randy Ball is a published songwriter. He has also been selected for the Songwriter's Showcase at the 2004 IBMA World of Bluegrass to be held in October.

John Skelton is a family friend and accomplished mandolin player in addition to upright bass.

The Ball Sisters Band has performed in several U.S. states at numerous festivals, competitions, and shows. Every member of the group is a Christian, and they enjoy performing Bluegrass-Gospel music in churches and other venues.

You can visit this outstanding Bluegrass Band at www.ballsistersbandtn.com.

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