Picture of the day -
October 27, 2006
The Boohers Performing At The Mountain Music Museum

Click photo to enlarge.
Yesterday afternoon the
Mountain Music Museum hosted a press conference held by
ACMA President Tim White. After spending several minutes
discussing the mission of the newly-formed group and unveiling a
couple of new displays for the museum, Tim relinquished the floor to
The Boohers
who proceeded to entertain the crowd with some of the finest
Bluegrass Music I
have ever heard.
The Boohers frequently take the stage at several local venues such
as the Pickin'
Porch, the
Fold and the
Theater, but they are also one of the fastest rising
professional Bluegrass bands in the country. Their busy schedule
has them performing at venues large and small all across the United
States, and they are real crowd-pleasers at every stop!
The band had sort of an "unveiling" of their own yesterday as many
of us got to see new lead guitar player Josh Doss in action for the
first time. Although Josh is just 18 years of age, he has been
playing guitar for years - and it shows! This young man can pick
with the best of them and I expect him to have a long, successful
career in the music business.
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