Picture of the day -
December 25, 2005
Christ The Saviour Is Born!
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,
which is Christ
the Lord. Luke 2:11
Well, December 25 has rolled around yet again. Christmas Day - a time for
enjoying the company of friends and family, exquisite meals, the exchange of
gifts...just plain having a wonderful time! The Christmas season is a very special
time of year, a time to reflect on the good things that have happened throughout
the year and share hopes and dreams for the year to come.
But what really makes Christmas Day special is the fact that Jesus Christ - God
incarnate - was born into this world of a virgin. The Christ Child was sent by
God Himself to serve as the perfect sacrifice so that we humans could be made
whole, worthy to enter into the kingdom of heaven and gain eternal life. Jesus
came down to the earth for just one purpose: to shed His blood and die upon the cross
at Calvary in order to pay a debt He didn't owe - our sin debt.
When the Virgin Mary held her newborn son inside that manger some 2,000 years
ago, she literally kissed the face of God and rocked the only sinless person in
the history of the world to sleep. And 33 years later He would die a horrible
death on the cross - only to rise again 3 days later. And the Lord Jesus Christ
still lives today!
As you have probably noticed by now, there is no picture for today. There are no
pictures available because there were no cameras back in the day of Christ's
birth. I could have put up a pretty picture of a Christmas tree or perhaps a
child gleefully tearing open an expensive Christmas present, but that isn't really
what the true meaning of Christmas is all about.
Make no mistake about it - Christmas is indeed about the giving of a gift, but
that gift was presented to all mankind on that first Christmas Day over two
millennia ago. God, through the birth, death and resurrection of His only son
gave the gift of eternal life to every man, woman and child who would accept it.

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