Picture of the day - July 6, 2005
Mom's Crooked Tree

Today's picture features a tree that stands in a field adjacent to mom's yard.
She enjoys sitting on her couch and looking through the large glass doors that
lead out onto the back deck, and when she does, this tree is often the first
thing that draws her attention. She calls it her "crooked tree".
I don't really know why she likes this tree so much. There's nothing special
about it. It's just a tree...except for the way it grows out of the ground at an
angle and then straightens up, reaching for the sun when it's shining directly overhead.
I think mom sees her crooked tree as a symbol of the way many of us live our
lives. We start off in the wrong direction, not listening to our elders when
they try to share their wisdom and experience with us, choosing instead to live
our own lives and make our own mistakes.
But for most of us there comes a time when we realize where we went wrong and
straighten up, just like mom's crooked tree. As long as I can remember, mom has
always been a strong believer in second chances - one mistake, two, even two
dozen won't prevent us from living happy, productive lives if we make the choice
to change course.
Mom also taught us that Jesus Christ believes in second chances too. Regardless
of what we may have done in the past, what He did for us on another tree over
2,000 years ago gives every man, woman and child the opportunity to finish their
lives headed in the right direction...just like mom's crooked tree.
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