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Picture of the day - May 13, 2006

Damascus Town-Wide Yard Sale - 2006

Annual town-wide yard sale in Damascus, Virginia.

Early this morning, the normally quiet little town of Damascus, Virginia came alive with hundreds of visitors taking to the streets and sidewalks to shop for bargains at the annual town-wide yard sale. From one end of main street to the other, virtually every yard and parking lot was packed with table after table of clothing, household items, lawn and garden equipment, and all types of odds and ends. One gentleman was even selling golf clubs - and there must have been hundreds of them!

Damascus' town-wide yard sale always kicks off what has become the town's busiest week: the annual Appalachian Trail Days festival. The first Trail Days celebration was held 20 years ago as a means of honoring the hordes of hikers who pass through the "Friendliest Town On The Trail", most of whom stop and spend a little time and money here.

Damascus is a favorite stopping point for through-hikers. They love coming here because of the unusually warm hospitality they receive from the locals. And of course the fact that Damascus' Post Office and several outfitters are within easy walking distance of the trail makes it better still. Damascus receives quite a financial benefit from the hikers, and it is greatly appreciated!

But Trail Days has evolved into much more than just a thank-you to the hikers. Now in it's 20th year, Trail Days has become one of the most popular festivals in the country with over 20,000 visitors enjoying the goings-on over the course of the week.

The last weekend features plenty of live music, tasty food, and friendly vendors selling everything from t-shirts and hiking boots to the latest novelties. There is plenty of fun to go around, so we invite you to come on down to the scenic town of Damascus, Virginia during Trail Days and enjoy the festivities right along with us!

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