Picture of the day - May 10, 2005
Damascus, Va Town-Wide Yard Sale
Today's picture features a scene from this year's edition of the annual
town-wide yard sale in the hiker's oasis of Damascus,
Each spring the small town of Damascus kicks off its two week Appalachian
Trail Days festival with a yard sale that covers the entire town, from
end to end! During Trail Days, the town's population swells from around 1,000 to
several times that number. Many of the visitors are hikers taking a respite from
their 2,160 mile hike up (or down) the Appalachian
Damascus is the favorite resting place for most thru-hikers - the
hikers that are making the entire trek from Maine to Georgia or vice versa. In
fact, Damascus is affectionately called "The friendliest town on the
The Damascus Trail Days festival offers a lot more than just two weeks of
R&R for the hikers however. There is also plenty of great food, interesting
displays and all types of demonstrations & lectures about Appalachian
Mountain life and attractions. The weekends are capped off with live musical
performances of all types, from Bluegrass
to Classic Rock.
The beautiful town of Damascus, Virginia is a wonderful place to visit any time
of the year, but it is particularly enjoyable during Trail Days. You're invited to
drive, bike or hike on down to Damascus and join us!
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