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Picture of the day - March 28, 2006


Several pieces of driftwood sticking up out of our creek bed.

Have you ever taken a walk beside a river or stream and noticed an old log or some tree branches sticking up out of the water? These odd lengths of wood are known as driftwood since they "drifted" downstream along with the current during times of flooding.

For many who own property with a stream flowing through it, driftwood is a nuisance that litters the stream bed and causes it to overflow, usually where it is causes the most problems. For others, driftwood is in much demand as a decorative item - a lawn ornament for adorning flower beds and such.

A cottage industry of sorts has developed where people visit streams and rivers gathering whatever interesting pieces of driftwood they can find. They then sell their bounty to garden centers - which in turn sell them to their own customers at a profit. Unique and interesting pieces can command some fairly high prices!

The point of all this? Well, I took a walk this morning along the stream that borders our property and I noticed that it's chock full of driftwood, some of which is featured in today's picture. If we were to gather all of the pieces and stack them up neatly into a pile, we would end up with quite a large pile! But I kind of like the idea of leaving our driftwood exactly where past flood waters have left it. After all, pieces of driftwood have hitched a ride downstream on flood waters since the beginning of time, and I believe it's impossible to improve on God's handiwork!

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