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How To Write An Effective Business Plan - Part 1

Create an exceptional business plan by using these five tips!

Introduction to business plans

You have a great idea for a business. You know what you wish to sell, who you can sell it to, and how much you expect to earn from it. There's just one more thing you need:
a business plan.

Many people dislike the idea of preparing a business plan. They think of business plans as complicated, unnecessary documents that exist only to make it harder for them to get started as an entrepreneur. They're wrong.

Business plans are essential because they enable you to "see" your business. Instead of simply talking abstractly about your "profit potential" and "customer base", a business plan lets you put those concepts in writing and in concrete terms.

A business plan also forces you to think through each and every aspect of your business in advance so that at some point in the future you don't realize you've made a major mistake that has cost you your business, your life's savings, and your job.

Besides all of that, business plans are also essential tools for helping you get other people interested in your business. If you've taken the time to create an effective business plan, others will understand that you are indeed serious about your business and that it isn't just some lofty dream.

A business plan also demonstrates that you are a professional and that you understand what it takes to start and manage a successful business. This is all very important, especially if you need any type of outside funding, such as loans or venture capital.

So while the bad news may be that you indeed need a good business plan, the good news is that writing one doesn't have to be complicated. The truth is that your business plan only needs to cover five primary areas, none of which are going to require you to write a full-length novel!

These five sections include:

  1. Executive summary
  2. Company overview 
  3. Business environment 
  4. Company description 
  5. Action plan 
All of these parts of a business plan may sound complex, but most of them will consist entirely of information that you already know. Part 2 of this article will explain these five parts of an effective business plan in detail.

Effective business plan - Part 2 >>

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