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Buying Exercise Equipment For Your Home Gym

Essential exercise equipment for shaping up at home

Having your own exercise equipment at home is a must for anyone who is serious about getting into shape and staying fit, but the huge array of choices available makes selecting the right exercise equipment an overwhelming and confusing task.

Here is a list of essential exercise equipment for a small home gym:

  • Dumbbells - These are an absolute must for properly and thoroughly working the arms and upper torso, and they should be among the first pieces of exercise equipment you buy.

    There are two types of dumbbells available, those with a fixed weight and those with adjustable weights. The fixed-weight variety is more convenient since you just pick them up and start using them.

    The downside is you'll need several sets to use with different exercises. If you're cramped for space, you should probably consider the adjustable units. 
  • Barbell - This is another must-have piece of exercise equipment because you simply cannot effectively work your entire body without them.
  • Triceps bar - This is an excellent tool for building powerful biceps and triceps. Every home gym should have one!
  • Reclining, adjustable, sturdy exercise bench - You'll need a high quality bench in order to get a good workout in a safe manner.

    As a minimum, look for a unit that is adjustable, comfortable, and well-built. You should also consider purchasing one with attachments that allow you to easily work your arms and legs.
  • Chin-up bar - Chin-ups are excellent exercises for building upper body mass and strength. For safety's sake, opt for a high-quality bar.
  • Jump rope - Jumping rope for just a few minutes will provide the same intensity cardio workout as a 30 minute walk!
These are the types of exercise equipment that you really must have (as a minimum) in order to get an effective workout at home.

If your available space and budget will allow for them, here are a few nice-to-have items that can really make getting in shape faster, easier, and less boring:
  • Home gym machine - A home gym machine has all the weights and attachments needed to get a gym workout at home. Available units range from basic models with just a few attachments to those that offer the ability to do literally dozens of different exercises.
  • Stationary bicycle - Bike riding is a very good (and enjoyable) form of cardio exercise, and a stationary bike in your home gym makes it easy to get a good workout, even during periods of bad weather.
  • Treadmill - Brisk walking and running are great ways to build endurance and improve your cardio-vascular system. A treadmill will allow you to do both of these activities in the comfort of your home.
Working out in a gym certainly has its benefits:
  • You'll have virtually all types of exercise equipment at your disposal.
  • You can watch others to help improve your own form.
  • A gym is a great place to meet people and share fitness ideas and suggestions.
But there are a few disadvantages as well:
  • Gym memberships can be expensive.
  • You may have to stand in line to use the various pieces of exercise equipment.
  • You'll have to leave home and drive to the gym, making working out difficult if you maintain a busy schedule.
Having your own exercise equipment at home is a great way to get in shape and stay that way, even if you have a regular gym membership. Choosing the right exercise equipment for your home gym will go a long way toward reaching your fitness goals and ensuring your long-term success.

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