Picture of the day -
September 29, 2006
Going To School On A Foggy Morning

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In autumn, it isn't unusual to roll out of bed and find the
countryside enshrouded in a thick veil of fog, and that has been the
case on several mornings this September. Fog is really nothing more than
ground-level clouds that are formed when the air temperature drops
to match the dew point - the temperature at which the air can
no longer hold all of the water contained within it. The escaping
water condenses into misty droplets, and all of a sudden we have
I remember the times many years ago when we kids would stand outside in
the fog waiting for the school bus to arrive. From somewhere in the misty
distance we would hear the grinding sound of Mr. Chester Jones
shifting gears as he approached our stop. Then a few seconds later,
the dim yellow outline of the school bus would slowly drift into view. With
brakes squealing, the lumbering bus would come to a halt, Chester
would open the door, and a brand new school day would begin.
It's funny how as we get older, we can often remember in vivid
detail events from our youth that were really quite insignificant in
the grand scheme of our lives, yet we cannot remember what happened
two days ago regardless of how important is was. I guess it's God's
way of letting us know that we're getting older and reminding us
that memories are to be made during childhood. I just hope and pray
that most of the memories that
granddaughter Olivia carries with her as she gets older will be
happy ones.
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