Picture of the day -
September 19, 2006
What A Mushroom!

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Late this afternoon, Cheria and I got a call from my
sister-in-law Linda about a humongous mushroom they had found
growing in the bushes alongside their driveway. She told us that it
was a real whopper and that she would like for us to stop by and
take a picture of it. Well, I've seen several unusually large
mushrooms this year so I didn't really expect to see anything that
would knock my socks off. But what I found when I got there amazed
Lying there in the bushes was a mushroom the likes of which I had
never seen in my entire life. It was easily the size of a
large beach ball! Realizing that it would be very difficult for a
photograph to capture an accurate perspective on just how big that
thing was, I began looking around for some type of common object to
place beside it. I saw a basketball lying nearby so I grabbed it and
placed it next to the mushroom, then Cheria and I both began taking
pictures. The result is the "Picture Of The Day". And yes, that really
is a full-size basketball sitting next to that whopper of a
must be a banner year for mushrooms because our yard is plumb full
of them (see the picture at right).
We have broad, flat ones, round
ones and perfectly shaped umbrella-style toadstools, and all at
sizes much larger than I'm used to seeing. But the monster we saw
this afternoon beats anything I have ever seen!
Junior and Linda's garden always produces some of the biggest
vegetables in the neighborhood, so I guess it's only fair that they
end up with the largest mushroom as well!
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