Picture of the day - April 12, 2005
The Groom Cross In Groom, TX

As you approach the tiny town of Groom, Texas, a cross will appear on the
horizon. As you continue towards town it will grow larger and larger until it
simply dominates the view of the town. What you're looking at is the famous
Groom Cross, reportedly the largest cross in the northern hemisphere at a height
of 190 feet.
The cross was erected by Steve Thomas of Pampa, Texas in 1995 as a public profession of his faith.
It stands on private property adjacent to Interstate 40.
Groom, TX is a typical small town in most respects. Its population of around 600
residents live normal lives, doing pretty much everything that people from a
small town usually do. But the cross has put Groom "on the map".
Today's photo was taken by my brother as he and his wife drove through Groom
on a cross-country trip. Notice how the cross simply dwarfs everything around
it, including the buildings and utility poles. If you want to see it for
yourself all you have to do is hit I-40 and head for Groom!
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