Picture of the day -
October 2, 2006
Hungry Mother Lake During The "Off-Season"

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Marion, Virginia's Hungry
Mother State Park is jam-packed with visitors between Memorial
Day and Labor Day, but during spring
and fall you'll find the beach and lake virtually deserted. Such was
the case yesterday when Cheria and I visited Hungry Mother for a
family picnic.
Although the weather has been a bit damp and cool of late, yesterday
was just gorgeous! After enjoying a very nice meal and a bit of
chatting with several of Cheria's relatives, I took my camera down
to the lakeshore to take a few pictures. A handful of canoes and
kayaks were sharing the water with a large flock of Canadian geese
and the lake was either a deep green or blue depending on whether it
was reflecting the trees lining the far shore or the beautiful sky.
It was quite a striking scene.
Hungry Mother State Park is a wonderful place to visit during summer
vacation time, but I now have a new-found appreciation for what she
has to offer her visitors even after the large crowds have departed for the season. We
just might have to go up there again in a week or two after the
leaves have had a chance to turn into an autumn mosaic!
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