While it is common for the flue and a cold to be confused with one another being that they share many of the same symptoms, the flu is actually very different and can have serious side effects.
The flu is a respiratory illness, which is caused by the influenza virus. Because the flu can cause serious damage to a person’s health, it is important that it is avoided at all cost. There are several ways to avoid getting the flu:
1 – Get a Flu Shot
Getting a flu vaccination is the best way to defend against the flu. When a person gets a vaccination, it actually involves placing a small amount of the virus in the body in order for the fighter cells to develop antibodies to kill it. Because these cells will call upon memory to fight against the virus in the future, it is essential that the body build up an immunity as early as possible.
While everyone should get a vaccination, it is absolutely essential for young children, pregnant women, and those with respiratory illnesses. Though the vaccination will only protect against three strains of the influenza virus, it is three of the most common.
2 – Control Germs
Most children learn when they are little to cough or sneeze into their hands or shoulder to avoid spreading germs. Though this is an extremely important step, it isn’t the only way to control germs. Washing hands regularly is another important step and one that can help prevent against the flu. If soap and water aren’t available, alcohol based hand sanitizer is the next best thing. It is recommended that individuals carry a bottle around with them to use after touching germ-infested objects such as door knobs and public toilets.
3 – Keep Hands Away From The Face
Hands are exposed to practically everything. Everything a person comes in contact with usually is touched by the hands. That is why it is important that a person’s hands never come near the face. Unless there is a cut somewhere on the hand, it is difficult for germs to enter the body. However, the face has several different places where germs can enter. Unless hands have recently been washed or sanitized, keep them away at all costs.
4 – Eat Healthy
Eating a broad spectrum of foods is a great way to avoid getting sick. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals can help the body stay in top fighting shape. If a dangerous influenza virus manages to make its way into the body, a healthy, well nourished body will be able to fight back. Vitamin C is great for boosting immunity, so citrus fruits are must-have items. For individuals who don’t like eating fruits and vegetables, a daily vitamin is the next best way to ensure the body has what it needs to maintain its health.
5 – Get Enough Sleep
While many view sleep as a waste of time, it is a necessary evil. In fact, sleep keeps the body functioning at its optimal level. Once the body becomes deprived of sleep, its defenses begin to lower and it becomes more susceptible to viruses. It is recommended that a person get at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Sleep deprivation can be detrimental to a person’s health for a number of different reasons, one of which is its inability to fight off viruses like influenza.
About the author: Stephanie Lambert is an ER nurse and guest author at SuperScholar.org. Click here to view the rankings of the best online nursing schools.
Credits: Photo courtesy of Shawn Carpenter.