You’re standing at the gas pump watching how much it’s going to take to fill your tank. You top it off at 20 gallons.
Would you be surprised to find out that fewer than four gallons of that will actually be burned to turn your tires and push you down the road?
It’s true. The rest of the energy is lost through engine heat (about 70 percent); powering the things attached to your engine, like your alternator and water pump (five percent); drive-train inefficiencies (five percent); and idling (three percent).
Only about 17 to 21 percent of the energy your gasoline delivers makes its way all the way your tires to keep you rolling down the highway. This sounds bad, and it is, but it also presents lots of opportunities for emerging technologies to make cars more fuel efficient and greener.
Here are seven innovations that will help automakers get to the 2025 higher fuel standard of 54.5 mpg: [Read more…]