An online backup services use software which will automatically uploads the files on a local PC or MAC that a person has selected to a remote computer or server. This provides the capability of being able to restore these files if at any stage they are lost them or become damaged. All that they need to have in order to achieve this remote backup is an Internet connection.
Today there are many companies that offer remote backup services. Some will allow you to just store several megabytes (which is great for home users) while others will let a home user store a few terabytes. These companies are more likely to be used by businesses as well. Each terabyte is equal to 1,000 gigabytes. Larger storage capacities allow home users to secure and protect a lot more data.
There are two main components to Remote Data Backup: the settings and the data. Settings will back up the configuration of the operating system installation so that in case of an update, freeze or replacement, you can go to the default settings with the new installation to get your computer back online quickly. Online backup preserves all of the customer’s settings off-site so that it too can be restored efficiently. Both settings and data backup are essential to error recovery and your business running efficiently.