Lets face it, life is stressful. No matter what you do for a living and what/who you’re responsible for, every woman gets stressed out from time to time.
Fortunately, there are many things to do and places to go to relieve some stress. If you’re in a stressful situation, though, it’s sometimes difficult to come up with non-stressful things to do.
So, here are some tips to help you on your search for stress relief!
- Schedule some guilty pleasure time. Whether your guilty pleasure is watching crappy reality TV, reading a novel, trying on outfits in your closet, getting a massage or a mani/pedi, eating a brownie while watching a chick flick, or anything else that’s not harmful, fit at least an hour or two of it into your weekend or evening. Whatever it is, it’ll help you relax for a bit.
- Avoid excessive caffeine. While it can be nice to curl up with a sudoku puzzle and a cup of coffee, avoid drinking a lot of caffeine while you’re at work or doing what stresses you out. Adding caffeine to a stressful situation will just add to your jitters and sense of being overwhelmed.
- Sweat it out. Exercise naturally raises endorphins (feel-good signals) in your brain. Go for a jog, head to a boxing class, grab your yoga dvd and mat, or just do whatever kind of exercise you enjoy. Not only can it relieve stress, but it can also give you time alone, just to focus on yourself and what’s going on in your head. Plus, being healthy will naturally make you feel good!
- Keep a to-do list and cross things off. Feeling the satisfaction of completing something and crossing it off your list can add to your feeling of accomplishment. Even add things like “buy groceries” or “make dinner”, or things you’ve already done, just so you can cross them off!
- Take breaks! Whatever you’re doing, take short breaks to deflate. Walk away from your desk and grab some water, let your child play in the living room while you watch and grab a crossword puzzle, or set down your homework and take 15 minutes to paint your nails. Adding short breathers to your schedule can really help you clear your head, and actually be more productive.
- Learn how to say no. When you’re already stressed out and your friend asks you if you can babysit on Saturday, it’s ok to say no sometimes. It’s not selfish to keep some time to yourself every once in a while. You don’t have to grab drinks with your friends every time they ask, and you can say “no” sometimes when your hubby asks if you can pick up groceries. If it doesn’t fit into your schedule, don’t force it!
Overall, you need to find your balance. You can definitely overdo stress relief – you don’t want to drop out of school or eat an ice cream sundae every day. Find your balance of how many breaks you need in a day to keep your sanity, and how much time you need to yourself. Also, getting organized and keeping lists, along with employing stress release tactics, can actually up your productivity level. Just start experimenting to find out what works the best for you!
About the author: Jolissa D. writes for Kass Clinics, experts in varicose vein treatment, healthy aging, laser hair removal and more in Minneapolis, MN.
Photo credit: Carl Dwyer