Living (and loving) Life
Have you ever noticed how some people seem to succeed at everything they try their hand at while others never seem to succeed at anything at all?
Well, it indeed happens, and it happens on a regular basis.
This might come as a shock to you, but the main ingredient in most any formula for success is failure.
Why? Because when we fail we learn valuable lessons about what went wrong, and if we’re smart we will avoid making those same mistakes over and over again.
Most successful business owners make mistakes when they are first starting out, some of them even file for bankruptcy at least once. But even in the face of abject failure, they never give up the dream of hitting it big in the business world. Allow me to give you a real-world example…
The owner of the largest and most successful car dealership in my state started his business career as a life insurance salesman. He was quickly fired however because he simply could not close a sale.
Determined not to let that happen to him again, he read every book he could find on the subject of selling. Before long he had landed a job at his local Chevy dealership, and after just seven months on the job he became the company’s most successful salesperson. Less than two years later he was in a position to buy out the owner, and today he is considered a business guru by virtually everyone in our five state region.
There are countless other “failure to success” stories like that in the business world, but I think you get the gist of what I’m saying here.
The bottom line is even though you might fail, you are only a failure if you refuse to get back up and try again – as many times as it takes to succeed. The key to success is learning from your failures. The key to ultimate failure is giving up.