Picture of the day - September 13, 2005

The Emerald Isle

Ireland - The Emerald Isle
Photo courtesy of PDphoto.org. 

Today's picture features the countryside of Ireland as seen from the Keshcorran caves near Carrowkeel. It is easy to see why Ireland is known as "The Emerald Isle" - virtually everywhere you look you'll see plenty of lush green grass and trees.

The history of Ireland is just as colorful as her landscapes. From before the time of the Celts, the people of this beautiful island have known plenty of triumphs and heartaches, one of which was the great potato famine of 1845-1848 which caused one of the largest migrations of humans in the history of the world. Today, many countries have large numbers of citizens of Irish decent, including the United States.

Ireland's history of turmoil continued right through the 20th century, but recent developments on the political front have improved the situation somewhat. As a result, Ireland is once again a very popular tourist destination with many thousands of people visiting each year in search of their Irish roots - or simply wanting to experience one of the world's most beautiful and historically significant countries.

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