Picture of the day -
December 14, 2005
Wintery Scene In Konnarock, Virginia

For the past several days the local weather forecast has called for one
significant snowfall after another, but each time the winter weather either
missed us completely or what was supposed to be snow turned out to be rain.
After several days of expecting snow but not getting any, I decided that it was
time to go find some.
Cheria and I took off towards the highlands of
southwestern Virginia near the beautiful town of
Damascus, and as luck
would have it we didn't have to go very far to find a veritable winter
wonderland! After driving up U.S. Route 58 a few miles towards the Konnarock and
Whitetop Mountain
areas, we began to see the first tell-tale signs of snow - just a little bit of
white hiding in the ditches, a few patches on the shady sides of the hills...
The elevation steadily increased all the way from Damascus to Konnarock, and
before we even realized it the isolated patches of snow had turned into a solid
blanket of the white stuff - about 4 inches or so where we stopped to take some
pictures. Not bad for mid-December in southwestern Virginia!
The Konnarock community lies at the foot of Whitetop Mountain, the second
highest peak in the commonwealth, and the scenery is simply breathtaking -
especially in the winter. The high elevation ensures that there is snow on
the ground for much of the winter, even when the nearby towns of Damascus and
Chilhowie are relatively warm and dry.
So if you ever find yourself in search of some snow, head to our neck of the
woods and visit the beautiful Konnarock / Whitetop area of southwestern
Virginia. You'll probably find just what you're looking for!
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