Picture of the day - March 7, 2005
Lightning At The Lake
Lightning... No other force in nature has the ability to inspire such a complete
feeling of awe (or fear for that matter). Anyone who has ever had a really close
encounter with lightning will tell you that it's a life-altering event.
In the United States alone, lightning strikes the ground (or an object) some 25
million times each and every year! Given this statistic, it might seem that an
individual would have a great chance of getting hit by lightning, but actually
the odds are only 1 in 3,000 that you will receive a lightning strike in your
entire lifetime.
Lightning occurs when a large build-up of static electricity discharges between
two objects. Usually, these objects are a cloud and the ground, but lightning
also strikes between two clouds.
Thunder always accompanies a lightning strike. A lightning discharge causes the
air in its path to heat up very much, very rapidly, causing a rapid expansion of
the air molecules resulting in a loud clap of thunder.
If you see a flash of lightning and hear the thunder several seconds later, the
lightning is pretty far away from you. But if you hear the thunder right away
after seeing lightning, the storm is very close so you should take shelter
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