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Connecting To The Internet With Linux

How to set up a Linux Internet connection

These days, any PC without Internet access would be fairly limited. Linux running the Mozilla browser provides more secure and reliable Internet access than IE running under Windows.

To connect your Linux computer to the web, you'll need to establish a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connection to your Internet Service Provider (ISP). You'll need to have this information about your ISP account available before you get started:

  • Dial-in phone number
  • User Name 
  • Password 
  • DNS address(s) 
To create an Internet connection with Linux, login as root. Open the main menu by clicking on the footprint on the task bar, then click Programs>Internet>Dialup Configuration Tool. The "Add New Internet Connection" utility window will open up. Click "Next".
  1. The Add New Internet Connection utility will probe for a configured modem(s). A list of modems found will be displayed. Click "Next".
  2. The phone number and name page will be displayed. Select a name for the Internet connection and enter your designated dial-in phone number. Click "Next".
  3. The User name and password page will appear next. Type in the user name and password that was provided by your Internet Service Provider. Click "Next".
  4. The Other Options page will now be displayed. In the Account List click on "Normal ISP". Click "Next".
  5. The Create the account page will now be displayed. Click "Finish", then "Close".
To configure the PPP connection, login as root. Open the main menu by clicking on the footprint on the task bar, then select Programs>System>Linuxconf. A welcome window will be displayed telling you that you have just installed Linuxconf. Click "Quit" to close the window.
  1. In the left panel of the Linuxconf window, expand the "Networking - Client tasks" branch, then click on "Name server specification". In the right panel, type in the DNS address that was provided by your ISP. If you were given a secondary DNS, enter that as well. Click the "Accept" button.
  2. Close the Linuxconf window by clicking on the "x" in the upper right corner. The "Status of the system" tab will appear. Click on "Activate the changes".
Now you can login as any user and connect to the Internet using the Red Hat PPP Dialer.
  1. Open the main menu by clicking on the footprint button on the task bar. Next, click Programs>Internet>RH PPP Dialer. The "Choose" dialog box will now appear listing all the configured network interfaces.
  2. Select the PPP connection that you just set up, then click "OK". The "Change connection status" dialog box will be displayed. Click "Yes". Your Linux modem will dial your ISP.
  3. When Linux has logged into your ISP, the connection window will appear. Now you can use your Mozilla web browser.
  4. When you're finished using Mozilla, you can click on the button with the dot in the connection window to close the Internet connection.
That's all there is to connecting to the Internet with Linux. Now you can enjoy more secure and reliable Internet access with Linux and Mozilla!

About the author:

Stephen Bucaro is the owner of Bucaro TecHelp. To learn how to maintain your computer and use it more effectively to design a website and make money on the web visit http://bucarotechelp.com.

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