Picture of the day - July 3, 2005
A Foggy Mountain View From Lodi, Va

Today's picture features a foggy view of the Appalachian Mountains as seen from
Lodi, Virginia. My wife and I were on our way home from a church picnic when
this view of the mountains caught our attention. It was almost dusk and it had
been raining, giving the mountains a "smokey" appearance.
Whitetop Mountain
can be seen in the background (it's the tallest peak shown in the photo), with
Mount Rogers just out of view to the left. Widener Valley lies straight ahead
between the last two visible ridges with Damascus,
Va out of view to the right.
Lodi and Widener Valley are small rural communities in Washington County, Va.
These beautiful communities consist primarily of farmland and scattered houses,
but sadly, many of the farms are being sold off and divided up into building
lots. Like so many other rural areas across the country, Lodi and Widener Valley
are drawing lots of new residents into the area who are seeking a peaceful
country lifestyle surrounded by beautiful, unspoiled scenery.
The irony of the situation is that the growth in population and new houses will
eventually turn these areas into the same type of places they were trying to escape
from in the first place!
Hopefully, as the farmland makes way for new houses and subdivisions, the
mountain views will remain as they are today - more or less free from
development. If not, this area will lose one of its major natural resources - those wonderful
unspoiled mountain views.
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