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Motherhood: Fact & Fiction

10 reasons why you need to ditch the Super Mom Syndrome

For any of you moms out there that are doing it all, attempting to gain Super Mom status, let me give you my own personal opinion. It's not worth it!

The pursuit of being the Super Mom is an endless search that will be of great cost to you in the end. Here are 10 reasons why you need to immediately stop this pursuit:

  1. There is no such thing as a Mom who can do everything perfect because as far as I'm concerned - perfection comes at a very high price. Seemingly perfect to other people, is often not the way things really are for the perfectionist.
  2. The Super Mom Syndrome is hurting women. Stress related diseases are on the rise and the demands that women place on themselves today directly contribute to the stress in their life. This stress is often all consuming.
  3. There are far too many roles in our life today. Trying to keep up with the different hats we wear on a daily basis is sometimes impossible. Feeling the need to be perfect in them all is exhausting.
  4. Our children miss out on some precious experiences with us that they can't get back. We are frequently so wrapped up in our to-do list that we forget to put the really important things on the list at all.
  5. It's exhausting! Having to do everything that you feel society expects of you, as a mother is overwhelming.
  6. It's no fun. How much fun has anyone really had attempting to do everything perfect?
  7. Your friends will like you more when you can laugh at your imperfections along with theirs.
  8. Your quality of life will immediately improve. When you make the decision to give yourself a break and do your own personal best instead of 100% perfect, a huge weight is lifted off your shoulders. Anxiety and depression can be an end result of unrealistic standards that you consistently place on yourself.
  9. The Super Mom never enjoys the moment. She is always multitasking and thinking of what needs to be done next. Life will pass you by before you know it.
  10. Continuing to admire women who can do it all will continue to place unrealistic demands on mothers to do it all. Let's start to admire the mothers who take time to nurture themselves. Let's admire the women who can enjoy the time with the kids at the playground and be really present when they are reading to their children.

    Let's toast the Moms who admit they can't do it all, all the time. Let's congratulate women on their honesty and ability to ask for help. Let's start to celebrate our imperfections instead of beating ourselves up over them.

    Let's stop judging each other and offer support instead.

We are not perfect creatures nor were we meant to be. So why are we trying to be? Wouldn't motherhood be a lot more fun if it didn't have to be perfect?

About the Author:

Peggy Porter is a nurse, Wellness Coach, and author of YumME MumME Makeover-How to Balance Womanhood and Motherhood by Nurturing the Me in MumMe. If you are a Mom and want to start creating a healthier balance in your life, go to seekingbalance.ca and register for Peggy's free monthly teleclass and Ecourse!

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