Picture of the day - October 23, 2005

Rye Pond - Nelson, New Hampshire

Rye Pond in Nelson, New Hampshire
Photo courtesy of Scott Dommin. 

New Hampshire offers her visitors some of the world's most beautiful scenery. There are numerous bodies of water ranging from small ponds to moderate sized lakes, and in the fall of the year their shores become a mosaic of colors as the leaves begin to turn. Today's picture by master photographer Scott Dommin features a tranquil autumn scene at Rye Pond.

At only 13 acres, Rye Pond is small but it provides excellent warm water fishing and some absolutely stunning views for the inhabitants and visitors of the New Hampshire towns of Nelson, Stoddard and Antrim - a portion of the pond lies in each town! In addition to the great fishing, there are also excellent hiking and camping opportunities available.

With this wonderful image, Scott has really captured the beauty that is autumn in New England. The reflection of the turning leaves in the sky-blue water teases the senses and gives us a just a glimpse at what we can expect to find when we visit New Hampshire during its most beautiful time of the year!

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