Picture of the day -
October 18, 2006
The Mountains Of Western North Carolina

Click photo to enlarge.
On the way home from
Shatley Springs, Cheria and I took the
scenic route hoping to see some spectacular fall foliage as we drove
through the western North Carolina mountains. After driving through
Wilkesboro and Boone, we veered off the beaten path at
Zionville and
drove by the home of Cheria's cousin Mary Ruth and her family. As
luck would have it, they were just getting ready to go on a
leaf-peeping trip of their own and they invited us to tag along.
We followed their truck as it snaked its way up a narrow, steep and
crooked one-lane road - which soon turned into a gravel lane!
Wondering what we had gotten ourselves into, we continued following
them up the mountain taking in the beautiful scenery along the way.
Our "grandson" Sage
and granddaughter
were riding along in the back seat,
and while Sage seemed to be having the time of his life, it was
quite obvious that Olivia was not enjoying the rough ride one bit!
But when the road finally leveled off at the top of the mountain, what
we found waiting for us there were some of the most magnificent
mountain views we had ever seen. It didn't matter whether we looked
left or right, the view was equally amazing in both directions!
After stopping the car in several places to take pictures, we said
our goodbyes and continued on our way. I wish to extend a special
thank you to Steven, Mary Ruth and the boys for leading us on what
turned out to be one of the most enjoyable sight-seeing excursions
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