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Picture of the day - March 26, 2006

Mr. Pooh & Tigger Too!

Our gray tabby cat Mr. Pooh.
Mr. Pooh

People say that cats have a mind of their own, and our two certainly seem to bear that out. When you want them to do something, they won't do it for anything, but when you don't want them to do something, they'll do it every time! Today's picture is actually a pair of pictures featuring Mr. Pooh (above) and Miss Tigger.

Our other cat Miss Tigger.
Miss Tigger

Mr. Pooh and Miss Tigger are about as different from one another as two cats can be. Pooh is a shy, nervous fellow who won't come near a stranger until he/she has visited our house a few times. In fact, he won't even come near me unless I'm sitting or lying down. I suppose that when I'm standing up I must be up to no good in Mr. Pooh's view. Never mind the fact that I buy his every meal and pet him every chance I get - apparently I'm still a threat to Pooh if I happen to be standing up or walking by!

Tigger, on the other hand, has never met a stranger. She'll walk right up to anyone and make herself available for a good petting. She loves to curl up beside - well, make that on top of someone, get a good rubdown and then drift off to sleep. This kitty apparently has no worries at all!

And while Mr. Pooh eats rarely and almost always alone, Miss Tigger sort of "hangs out" near the door to the bathroom where their food bowls are located, just waiting for someone to go in and "sit a spell". And while you're sitting she'll be eating! I guess Tigger is a lot like her master - she never misses an opportunity to chow down!

Yes, Mr. Pooh and Miss Tigger are as different from each other as night and day, but they are both wonderful pets with plenty of love to give - on their terms of course, not ours! We hope to have both of them around for a long, long time.

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