Picture of the day - August 29, 2005

Rush Creek Primitive Baptist Church

Rush Creek Primitive Baptist Church

Today's picture features an historic church building that overlooks beautiful Rush Creek in the Widener Valley community of Washington County, Virginia - Rush Creek Primitive Baptist Church.

Residents of Widener Valley and the surrounding area have worshipped at this beautiful log church for many years. In fact, some of the graves in adjoining Rush Creek Cemetery date back to the late 19th century! Virtually every resident of the Widener Valley area who has roots here has relatives buried there.

The photo above was taken several years ago, and the church building has been remodeled since then - the beautiful antique log construction has been covered up by ugly white siding. Hopefully, the building will be restored back to its original form at some point.

In the meantime, Rush Creek Primitive Baptist Church and its cemetery continues to draw people from all over the country who are searching for their Widener Valley roots.

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