Picture of the day - September 3, 2006
A Southwestern Virginia Hayride

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Every September, the Thomas Family holds their family reunion on
a farm in Lodi, Virginia, and one of the highlights of these
get-togethers is a hayride that takes the participants down several
narrow, yet very scenic country roads. Today's picture feature this
year's hayride: three farm tractors pulling three trailer loads of
Thomas Family kin down South Fork River Road in rural Washington
County, Virginia.
These annual excursions take us through some of the region's most
beautiful scenery. There are lush, green pasture fields lined with
colorful wildflowers, hundreds of wild-cherry trees bowing under the
weight of their ripening fruit, and a long ridge of fog-enshrouded
mountains rising high above the distant horizon. Regardless of where
we might happen to live, the hills of southwestern Virginia will
always be our home.
Although we aren't actually members of the Thomas family, Cheria,
Olivia and I have been going on the hayrides ever since Cheria's
Aunt Cel
invited us to ride along with her several years ago. These fine
folks have always made us feel welcome, and we appreciate it very
much. This is southern hospitality at its best...practiced by some
of the nicest people I have ever met.
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