Picture of the day -
September 14, 2006
A "Stump Planter" At Backbone Rock

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The other day, Cheria and I were taking a peaceful walk through
Backbone Rock
National Recreation Area when we noticed a decaying old tree
stump with several plants growing out of the top of it. We didn't
think much of it at first because it isn't unusual to see plants
growing out of stumps out in the woods.
But as we drew closer to the stump we realized that the plants in
question were actually flowers that had been planted there. The
forest rangers had apparently placed some potting soil into the
stump's crevices and used it as a "stump planter". We stopped and
took a few pictures while envisioning a few of our own tree stumps
with flowers growing on top of them.
Click photo to enlarge
There was one stump in particular that we planned to check out when
we got home, but it turned out to be too narrow to use as a planter.
I guess we'll just have to "plant" a stump that's large enough to
use in this manner somewhere on our property. Don't laugh, I've
planted stumps before with great success. In fact, we were probably
the only people in the
town of Abingdon who had tree stumps in
places where trees had never grown! All we have to do now is find
the right stump...and then start digging!
And finally, if you
have a stump you'd really like to get rid of, you can have
it ground down and removed. You'll find more great info on
that right here:
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