Picture of the day - August 20, 2006

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Photo courtesy of the
U.S. Navy.
Every person who has worn the uniform of the United States
Military since the Civil War is intimately familiar with it.
Countless others have been brought to tears by it at funerals of
loved ones who answered the call of their country during their
lifetimes. The playing of "Taps" is an American military tradition
that was born in wartime, is still in use today, and lives on in the
hearts and minds of millions of veterans and those who loved and
remember them.
Taps is a very simple tune - just 24 notes in length - but it is
one of the most emotionally charged melodies ever composed. On
American military installations all around the world, each day comes
to an end with its haunting sound being heard while the American
Flag is lowered with the care and respect it so richly deserves. It
is also played at military funerals to honor the lives, patriotism
and sacrifices of the deceased while loving families wipe away their
tears. The Flag is then folded, a prayer is recited, and everyone
goes home with countless memories - and one of the most powerful
memories of all is the sound of those 24 haunting, yet soothing
Every time I
hear the sound of Taps it reminds me of just how much
our freedom actually costs and the members of my family who
sacrificed all to help pay their portion of that price. I am a
beneficiary of their selfless service to our nation, they have
earned my respect and admiration, and they will have it until the
day I die.
About the photo: Today's picture shows a Navy bugler playing Taps
during a sunset
burial at sea.
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